The intended audience. Sound Spectrum has been created with the instrumental teacher in mind, and is suitable for use with students ranging from Beginner – Grade 8. It is designed as a resource for teaching many aspects of musicianship, theory and history of music and seeks ways to relate this new knowledge to the student’s instrumental playing. Sound Spectrum works well with individuals and small groups.
Summary. Sound Spectrum Cards feature fifteen aspects of music: Metre. Rhythm. Dynamics. Articulation. Tempo. Tonality. Character. Composer. Style & Period. Texture. Structure. Melody. Harmony. Cadence. Modulation. Each element is assigned a different colour. The cards under each heading share the same colour.
Within each colour set you will find three types of cards: heading cards like Metre , Rhythm, Dynamics; activity cards which explain ways to use the cards or suggest activities like conducting, improvising and singing; and thirdly, cards which describe specific features of music like 2 time, 3 time, 4 time. Each colour set can be used independently of other colour sets to explore one element of music, or they can be used in conjunction with other sets for listening, composing and improvising.
The intended audience
Responding to needs
Why use this format, that is, boxed cards?
Is there any particular logic in the ordering of elements within the box?
What is the significance of colour in Sound Spectrum?
To what particular objectives does Sound Spectrum lend itself?
In what ways will Sound Spectrum be used to meet those objectives?
Four other ways to use Sound Spectrum cards
Pre-select cards for the lesson
Study one concept
Study one piece from multiple angles
Set homework
The Impact of the Sound Spectrum.